Episode 24: What makes a great Accountant?


June 21, 2021

Ask most business owners and they will tell you their accountant is the best. But what is it that makes them the “best”? In this episode Sarah interviews Trudi on what she believes you should look for in finding the right accountant for you.

They emphasize in this episode that just because one accountant is a friend for your friend or colleague does not mean they are right for you (and that this applies to all types of advisors) and that just because they are not right for you does not mean that they are not also a great accountant. Just some of the areas that Sarah and Trudi touch on, include: 

  • The different education, skills and specialties that accountants have 

  • Services offered: Accountants may specialize in management accounting, tax, auditor, SMSF, international businesses etc.  

  • Specialization offered: whether in different industries or even type of software used  

  • The importance of personality match – having an accountant you can talk to 

  • Gender, nationality, spoken language may be important 

  • Availability and responsiveness – if you want your accountant to respond within 24 hours, then one who doesn’t may not be “great” to you 

  • Location 

  • Newsletters and other ongoing updates 

So even if you think you have the greatest accountant, have a listen and consider which aspects are important to you and if your accountant is meeting them. If not, this doesn’t necessarily mean you need a new one but maybe just a chat to see whether they can bridge the gap to fully meet your needs. 


Just two industry experts (and guests) having a friendly chat and sharing our knowledge. We aim to raise your knowledge base and dis-spell any myths surrounding finance. tax and a range of other financial topics.

This is a safe space to ask questions and hear useful info on financial matters. 

Read more about FOFU here 

And, as always if you'd like to leave us a message, or suggest a topic, you can do so here 


DISCLAIMER- The information and material in this podcast, and supplementary and associated information available, is for general information only. It should not be taken as constituting professional advice from the podcast owners, and we recommend you seek independent suitable advice that is specific to your unique circumstances.


Episode 25: Business Acumen and the Business Acumen Gauge


Episode 23: A Business Owner’s Mindset: Should you just stay employed or on contract?