Episode 80: Matt Wong, Founder at Discernible
For our final episode of season 4 we interview Matt Wong. Matt is the owner of businesses Discernible and Team Human, does regular gigs as an MC/speaker, is a Pilot, is a classically trained musician, teaches courses on Udemy, has an MBA and clearly has a thirst for knowledge and growth.
Episode 79: To work with or to not work with your Life Partner?
Could you work or run a business with your partner? I think for many the answer would be a firm NO! But there are plenty of couples out there that run businesses together – whether through planned decisions or circumstances. In this episode Trudi and Sarah speak with Ush Danak of the EQ Academy about the pros and cons of running a business with your life partner.
Episode 78: Risk Insurances with Nick Zaras
Nick from Consillium Wealth joins the team once again to talk all things personal insurances. Trudi and Sarah quiz Nick on the ins and outs of obtaining income
protection and TPD insurance for business owners. They chat about who should have it and why as well as going through some of the practical aspects of
obtaining the insurance.
Episode 77: Contracts in business and other important documents
One thing in business that can often come back to bite is not having the right legal/business documentation in place. We have back lawyer Samir Banga of Banga Legal to talk about some of the important legal documents you should have in place and why you should have them!
Episode 76: Why Bookkeeping is so Important!
Rebecca Kartel from the Kartel Solution joins us today to talk about the importance of bookkeeping. Getting it right is so important to ensure your books are appropriately reflecting your business activity, but also to ensure that your financial and taxation obligations are prepared using accurate information. In this episode Trudi and Sarah with Rebecca talk about some of the reasons why we believe bookkeeping is so important.
Episode 75: Quoting for Profit
The majority of business owners are in it to make a profit. But are you pricing/quoting your jobs to ensure that you will make a profit? Listen in as Sarah and Trudi talk you through how to quote to ensure you are making a profit.
Episode 74: Forward Cash Flow Planning
Our regular listeners will know that this is one of Sarah's favourite topics, and for good reason - in business cash is king! In this episode Sarah and Trudi take us through exactly what cash flow planning is and why it is important to the success of any business.
Episode 73: Depreciation
In this episode Sarah and Trudi talk all things depreciation. They will take you through what it is and the many different types. As well as the difference between depreciation and capital works and why accounting and tax depreciation can be two different things/amounts.
Episode 72: Buying a Motor Vehicle in your Business
Buying a car in your business is a topic that Sarah and Trudi both discuss with their clients on a very regular basis. Who can buy a car in their business? When can you buy, how do you buy, do you have to use it for work purposes? These are just some of the topics discussed.
Episode 71: Director’s Duties
Hands up who is a Company Director? Many people sign on to being a new Company Director because their Accountant/Lawyer/Spouse told them they needed to. But many are unaware of the implications of doing so. In this episode we chat with special guest Harry Croft of Studio Legal on what exactly are the responsibilities of a Company Director, what are the potential liabilities and where it can go wrong.
Episode 70: Rewarding your Employees
In this episode Sarah and Trudi discuss what are the other options to reward/thank your team for their work throughout the year. They chat about bonuses and pay rises as well as options. They also talk through Christmas parties and the need to know FBT implications. Employers are in need of new ways to retain their staff, so listen in to pick up a tip or two.
Episode 69: How to get money from your business - all the different correct ways of paying yourself
You own the business so you can do whatever you like with the cash right?? Wrong! It all depends on the type of business structure you operate and your role within that business. In this episode Sarah and Trudi walk you through the different ways to pay yourself from your business depending on your particular business structure.
Episode 68: Contracting vs Employee and Personal Services Income (PSI)
To staff your business with contractors or employees is a question that many businesses have had to consider. But which is right for you or is a combination best? There are distinct differences between employees and contractors from a legal, taxation and even practical perspective. Understanding these differences is important to enable you to make the right decision for your business.
Episode 67: To Scale Up or Scale Down…
Trudi needs help! Should she continue to grow the business or slow down and keep it at its current level? This is a topic that Sarah often assists her Helix planning clients with, so Trudi asks all the questions you might be thinking right now.
Episode 66: What to do when your business partner (and/or life partner) suddenly passes
Do you have a plan for what would happen if you were no longer able to run your business? How about a plan if your business partner suddenly passes? Or what would happen to your business if your life partner was to pass? These are discussions that many people find uncomfortable and would rather not think about let alone plan for. But consider, would you rather have a plan your spouse can put into action if you were to pass or leave them with a business they know nothing about nor what to do with?
Episode 65: Photography in your business. How to present your brand to the public with Simon Whittaker from Simon Whittaker Photography
Anyone can take a photo right? Sure. But is that photo going to be the best representation of you and your business? In this episode, special guest Simon Whittaker from Simon Whittaker Photography talks to Sarah and Trudi about the importance of photography in your business.
Episode 64: Business Compliance with Adam Wood from Certified By
Every business has some form of government regulation and compliance that it must meet. Whether it be meeting OH&S obligations, WorkCover, HR, licensing obligations, or environmental protection regulations. Complying with government, private sector, and industry regulations can be difficult and expensive. But it is a necessary part of business. In this episode we chat with Adam Wood from Certified By – a business that helps SME's meet their compliance obligations in all aspects of business.
Episode 63: How to build your business from a Business Owners perspective
We've all listened to a podcast from the perspective of a marketing professional who has all the theory and experience on how to market your business. But we also know that most people like to chat with their business besties about what they do to get new business. In this episode Sarah and Trudi take a trip down memory lane and talk about some of the marketing strategies they used and what was successful and what was not to successful.
Episode 62: Defamation and what to do about it in business with special guest Samir Banga of Banga Legal
When we first started working the test was ‘If you didn’t want to see it on the front page of the newspaper, you probably shouldn’t say it’. Yet how many of us stop and think about that before smashing out a new post on Instagram or putting up a blog article or google review? The reality is that these mediums are quickly become a business risk, both if one of your employees says the wrong thing and if a customer doesn’t stop to think. In this episode Sarah and Trudi talk through this business risk with special guest Samir Banga from Banga Legal.
Episode 61: Current Environment Update: Borrowing Money, Tax Changes and what’s ahead in Season 4
It's the first episode of season 4 and we are excited to be back with lots of updates for you! Sarah and Trudi chat about the current lending environment in light of the recent interest rate rises. Listen in for a few tips and things to be aware of. We check in on words of the year (do you remember what yours was?) and give a preview of what's planned for this season!