Episode 64: Business Compliance with Adam Wood from Certified By


October 24, 2022

Every business has some form of government regulation and compliance that it must meet. Whether it be meeting OH&S obligations, WorkCover, HR, licensing obligations, or environmental protection regulations. Complying with government, private sector, and industry regulations can be difficult and expensive. But it is a necessary part of business. In this episode we chat with Adam Wood from Certified By – a business that helps SME's meet their compliance obligations in all aspects of business. We also have a chat about ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) which is a hot topic right now and is particularly relevant if you work with large or government organisations. Sarah and Trudi ask Adam all the things SME's need to know and where to get starting with ensuring they understand and meet the compliance obligations specific to their business. If you've never really thought about this type of compliance, this episode is a great introduction to what you should be thinking about and doing.


Just two industry experts (and guests) having a friendly chat and sharing our knowledge. We aim to raise your knowledge base and dis-spell any myths surrounding finance. tax and a range of other financial topics.

This is a safe space to ask questions and hear useful info on financial matters. 

Read more about FOFU here 

And, as always if you'd like to leave us a message, or suggest a topic, you can do so here 


DISCLAIMER- The information and material in this podcast, and supplementary and associated information available, is for general information only. It should not be taken as constituting professional advice from the podcast owners, and we recommend you seek independent suitable advice that is specific to your unique circumstances.


Episode 65: Photography in your business. How to present your brand to the public with Simon Whittaker from Simon Whittaker Photography


Episode 63: How to build your business from a Business Owners perspective