Episode 79: To work with or to not work with your Life Partner?
May 8, 2023
Could you work or run a business with your partner? I think for many the answer would be a firm NO! But there are plenty of couples out there that run businesses together – whether through planned decisions or circumstances. In this episode Trudi and Sarah speak with Ush Danak of the EQ Academy about the pros and cons of running a business with your life partner. They talk through some of the things you need to consider before jumping into this type of work
arrangement such as responsibilities, pay and whether each partner actually has the time, focus and desire to contribute to the business. Working with your
partner can be an amazing opportunity to spend more time together and grow something as a team but can also be the rod that breaks the camel’s back.
Listen in to see if this is right for you, or if you are already working with your partner – whether there are changes you can make to improve your working
Podcast Transcript Available Here
Duration: 25:12
Just two industry experts (and guests) having a friendly chat and sharing our knowledge. We aim to raise your knowledge base and dis-spell any myths surrounding finance. tax and a range of other financial topics.
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DISCLAIMER- The information and material in this podcast, and supplementary and associated information available, is for general information only. It should not be taken as constituting professional advice from the podcast owners, and we recommend you seek independent suitable advice that is specific to your unique circumstances.