Episode 94: Small Business Structure Planning & CGT Concessions


24th June, 2024

In this episode, Trudi Cowan and Sarah Eifermann interview Peter Johnson, an accountant and tax consultant, about choosing the right entity type for a business and the small business rollover and restructuring. They discuss the importance of considering long-term plans, family involvement, and tax implications when deciding on the entity type. They also explore the four main exemptions available to small business owners when selling their businesses and the importance of pre-planning and seeking proper advice from accountants. The conversation discusses the small business capital gains tax (CGT) concessions in Australia. The main topics covered include the asset test and turnover test for eligibility, strategies for reducing assets to qualify for the concessions, the importance of planning and structuring, common mistakes to avoid, and the difference between small business rollover relief and debt restructuring. The conversation emphasizes the need for early and ongoing advice from accountants and the potential tax savings that can be achieved through proper planning. 


Just two industry experts (and guests) having a friendly chat and sharing our knowledge. We aim to raise your knowledge base and dis-spell any myths surrounding finance. tax and a range of other financial topics.

This is a safe space to ask questions and hear useful info on financial matters. 

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DISCLAIMER- The information and material in this podcast, and supplementary and associated information available, is for general information only. It should not be taken as constituting professional advice from the podcast owners, and we recommend you seek independent suitable advice that is specific to your unique circumstances.


Episode 95: Does the profit first methodology work?


Episode 93: When to obtain finance