Episode 03: How to save money, and more money!


November 16, 2020

Always a hot topic: HOW DO I SAVE MONEY??????!!!! In this episode Trudi and Sarah discuss the many ways in which you can start your money saving journey. They look at why we simply do not save money as a society and individuals within that society.

Savings is such a contentious topics as we all think we need it, and then feel guilty when we do no save money, so Sarah and Trudi really break down some of the key focus points on why you may not be saving money and how to make savings a priority in your life. They also offer some really useful money tips and share some of the tech they use for their own savings.

Read more about how to save money here or here


If you have any suggestions or would like to ask a question, you can leave a message here


Episode 04: Home loans made easy


Episode 02: What is Finance FOFU